學習發現 往人少的地方走

Thursday, August 15, 2013



  1. rack one's brain  絞盡腦汁
  2. with all one's heart 真心誠意
  3. have one's heart in one's boots 悲觀消沉
  4. lose one's heart to 傾心於
  5. have no stomach for 對...沒胃口;沒興趣
  6. have the guts 有膽量
  7. sweat one's guts out 拼命工作
  8. with one's tongue in one's cheek 言不由衷
  9. on everyone's tongue 被眾人討論
  10. hold one's tongue 保持沉默
  11. stick in sb's throat 難以接受;難以啟齒
  12. lie in one's throat

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